
Afkar Holding

Tel : 00965 22008451

Mob: 00965 94040292

Email: info@afkarholding.com

Website: www.afkarholding.com


Focus on strategic investments in the industrial and service sectors.



Brand                                                             Description                                    Country of Origin


Watania                                          Tissue papers, Toilet and kitchen roles                 Kuwait

                                                          Health care products (under pads)                        Kuwait

                                                          Hand Soaps                                                                 Kuwait


Mickey                                             Variety of potato chips pellet chips                        Kuwait

Corny                                               Variety of Popcorn based products                        Kuwait

Mates                                              Variety of protein based chocolates                      Kuwait

Tawa                                                Variety of sweets & Confectionery                        Kuwait

Zess                                                  Variety of biscuits                                                   Malaysia

Jealous                                            Variety of natural flavour jellies                              France

Long chips                                       Verity of potato chips                                               Latvia

Free life                                           Protein Gummies                                                      KSA

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